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How Do You Create a Username and Password ? e-District MMP II

Step 1: open any browser (like Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox, Internet Explorer etc. ) by double clicking on the browser shortcut on desktop screen or some time browser icon showing in the task bar.
Step 2. Type this Web address in your browser address bar using keyboard or copy the link and paste it in your browser address bar for reaching directly to the edistrict login page
(Read more : Alternative procedure for creating user name and password under e-district MMP )
Step 3: Follow the screen carefully. You can find a option like "Citizen Registration" just after the "Login" section bottom of the e-District portal main screen.
Step 4: Now, you see a "Citizen Registration Form" in new window containing the differents field like User type, User name, Your full name etc..There are some mandatory fields which are to be filled by citizen mandatory and  some optional fields that are not required to be filled , if citizen not willing to provide information. * (star) with red colour indicate the field as mandatory and without * (star) mean that fields are optional.
Step 5: Select the User type using drop down arrow as "Citizen"
Step 6: Type user name in "User name" field. I recommended, first use your name as user name. If  it's not available in system then try another. For example, if your name like xyz abc, then type in user name field as xyzabc@19xx (xyz indicate first name, abc indicate surname or title, then use any special characters like @, $,# etc., then birth year)
Step 7: Type your Full name as mentioned in your valid documents. 
Step 8: Type any suitable Password in " Password " field. ( Special Note : Note down it in your personal diary for any future reference like " Login " for applying to any service under this Portal )
Step 9 : Retype the same password in the next field " Confirm Password " field.
Step 10: Choose any question using drop down arrow from " Password Hint Question " field.
Q1.What is Your Mother Maiden Name?
Q2. What is Your First School Name? Q3. What is Your Date of Birth?
Q4. What is Your Favourite Sport Person?
( Special Note : Note down selected question as same as mentioned in field for retrieving the password if anytime you forget your password or lost it)
Personally, I recommended to you choose the Q3.
 (Allthough, there is no restrictions on choosing any questions)
Step 11: Type the appropriate answer in the "Password Hint Answer" field and note down it in your personal diary for further reference.
Step 12: Provide mobile number in the next field as "Mobile Number" without prefixing any "0" or "+91" like this. Just type your 10 digit number for getting the notification sms at any stage during the process of your application/service from e-district Portal. So, you are realised the importancity of this field. Be careful, don't provide the mobile number that you used without document.
Step 13: Provide E-mail ID . If you have no email Id(Read More: Create your own email ID using any email provider like Gmail, Yahoo, Rediff, Hotmail etc.) , don't worry because this field is optional. But, remember notification mail also available from this Portal)


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